YouTube is going to change soon in video recommendation for users with their watch history switched off

YouTube is implementing a new policy regarding video recommendations for users with their watch history turned off.

The platform updated its support page on August 8th 2023, to announce the change.

Users who lack a significant watch history will now have their video recommendations disabled.

If you prefer to clear and deactivate your watch history, your YouTube homepage will appear different.

The search bar and left-hand guide menu will still be accessible, but the recommended video feed will be empty.

This change applies to both mobile and web versions of YouTube, potentially resulting in a mostly empty homepage.

YouTube's rationale for this alteration is to offer an uninterrupted search and browsing experience for subscribed channels.

Some users are displeased with this change, especially those who don't want to turn on their watch history.

YouTube does not mandate this requirement for logged-out users who lack watch history.

YouTube's explanation emphasizes clarifying which features rely on watch history for recommendations, with a gradual rollout planned over the next few months.