Affiliate Marketing

How to promote Affiliate Links?

How to promote Affiliate Links?

Becoming an affiliate is a great way to earn extra income every month. Affiliate marketing is one of the most effective methods that online business owners can use to make passive income. Did you know that there are people out there who make over six figures every year from affiliate links alone?

If it’s possible for them, it’s definitely possible for you as well.

The more affiliates you share effectively, the more money you can make!

So, in this article, we are going to share how do you promote your affiliate links and where on the internet you go to promote your affiliate links, and what are the best methods to promote your affiliate links to get more affiliate commissions, and get your business to a broader audience, better say to the potential audience?

What is an Affiliate Link?

Affiliate links are personalized or exclusive URLs that are used to direct people to a product or service. As an affiliate, you can use affiliate links throughout the internet. Then, people will click on that affiliate link and purchase products or services, you will get a commission against every such sale.

Also, an affiliate needs to disclose that he is going to make a commission if someone purchase from their affiliate link.

Being an affiliate, when someone clicks on your affiliate links, and land on the affiliate page through that link; the affiliate program owner tracks your metrics such as clicks, sales, and commissions. Though you will only earn a commission if a visitor makes a purchase, there are some affiliate programs out there as well, which may get paid for lead generation.

Further, in addition, to track your affiliate link, affiliate programs also use cookies to track visitor’s activity. By tracking cookies, the affiliate program owner gets to know about an affiliate link from where it is come from. They use these cookies for a specific period of time to keep track of user’s actions, so the commission can be granted to an affiliate if in case a product is purchased by the visitors within a cookie duration window.

The cookies’ duration is varying in between 24 hours to 120 days.

Where do we get affiliate links?

To get affiliate links, you need to join affiliate programs, there are numerous affiliate programs available in the market. You have to research thoroughly before joining any of them and see which programs fit best with your marketing strategy, niche, content topics, and interests. You can try some of the popular affiliate programs as mentioned hereinbelow:

If you are a beginner, ShareASale and Cuelinks will be a better option to start with.

You can sign-up with any of these above affiliate programs and start promoting your affiliate links by various methods, as mentioned below.

Methods to promote your Affiliate Links

Before share affiliate links anywhere, one should understand that copy-paste method is not enough to generate affiliate commissions, as it may not draw your audience’s attention and interest. There must be a strategy as to how and where you can share your affiliate links.

It is quite important to understand what your audience needs, and how you can gain their attention to influencing them so they can make a purchase as and when you offered them anything.

Below are some of the best ways through which you can promote your affiliate links to your audiences.

Write a Blog Post

Blogging is one of the best and most efficient methods to promote your affiliate links.

You can write a blog post on your website and build your targeted audience, be consistent in delivering content to them; valuable content indeed. Gradually, you will gain your audience’s trust and they start making purchases through your recommendation.

If you don’t have a blog, then go to create one and start making valuable content to build your audiences. Blog posts are one of the best ways to share an affiliate link, and easy to get started, affordable, and provide value to your viewers.

Select the niche (subject or topic) wisely, start your blog on the subject in which you have the expertise, as it will be easy for you to write regular content and your audience will get values from it without any major gap.

Over time, your viewers start trusting you, and whenever you recommend any product or services to them through affiliate links, they will surely click on it and purchase.

Banner Ads

Banner ads are the most common ways to promote your affiliate links through a website or blog. You just need to place banner ads having affiliate links to your website. It is a kind of direct approach to catch visitor’s attention. Once visitor click on the banner ads, they will straight away direct to the affiliate page where he gets more information about the product.

So, if you have a website, you can easily incorporate banners on your website.

Share links on Social Media Platform

Nowadays, everyone has an account on Social media platforms and therefore it is a good idea to share your affiliate links on social media, likewise Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin.

But, avoid direct linking, since it is not allowed by most of the affiliate programs. The most common practice that you can adopt to promote affiliate links through social media platforms are as under:

You can write a short product review

Since you cannot share your affiliate link on social media directly, therefore you can write a short review of the product that you want to promote. Mention a call to action, so that your followers can get in touch with you directly, and then you can share your affiliate link with them via a personal window (inbox)

Redirect your followers to your website or blog

You can also brief about the product and redirect your followers to your website, where they can get a detailed review about the product, wherein you can incorporate affiliate links.

YouTube video

YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google, and people are taking more interest to watch the video rather than reading a lengthy article. It is reported that on average, people spend one and a half hours daily on YouTube and consume information.

YouTube emerges as one of the best options where you can share your affiliate links and earn extra money through it. You can make a review video of the product and put relevant affiliate links in the description of the video. Redirect your audience to go to the description section of the video and check out the product by clicking on your affiliate links.

It is the most common practice that every YouTuber is doing and earns a good amount of money through it.

Guest Post

Guest post is also a popular way to share affiliate links to your viewers.

To do this, make a list of the popular bloggers who have already written content to your affiliate offer, you can email them and asked if they too are interested to create some valuable content for their users.

Guest posting allows you to create content for other popular blogs within your niche of course, and create backlinks to your website and share affiliate links to your offer as well.

This is such an amazing method to reach a broader audience who might never hear of you.

Landing Page

Most affiliates promote their offers through Landing pages since it is a fantastic way to collect leads and sales without having them bounce off the page.

A well-designed landing page attracts a targeted audience to generate leads and to focus on “Call to action”, which is our affiliate offer. You can link the landing page on your website, blog, email, etc…

Landing pages are a great way to make people understand the product and explain in detail what the offer is all about.

Email marketing

Email marketing is one of the most powerful tools on the internet.

You can add a subscription form to your website to collect emails from the people who visit your website and are interested in your content. People who love to read the content of yours will share his email id for sure and become a subscriber.

You can promote your affiliate offer to them, once you are having an email list. It is a gold mine for an affiliate and a real treasure.

Make sure that you don’t share an irrelevant offer with them, as it will make them irritate and ultimately they unsubscribe you and move away. Share your affiliate link to the right people so you can generate more revenue from email marketing.


So, that’s it, guys! These are some of the best methods that one can adapt to share and promote affiliate links.

We highly recommend you try as many methods as you can and find the best way out for you. Find out which methods are working for you, since some way or the other, it works for you for sure.

Peter Joseph

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